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Organizing your paperwork to make Tax Day easy, peasy!

By: Brenda Bowen Tuesday February 10, 2015 comments Tags: Networking & Events

Thursday February 19, 2015 Brenda Bowen will be speaking at the Windsor Business Womens' Network on the topic of "Organizing your paperwork to make Tax Day easy, peasy!" Come hear tricks and tips that every self employed individual and small business owner needs to know.  The lunch is from 11:30 till 1:00 at Windsor State Bank 1130 Main Street, Windsor, CO.  Cost is $12 for Members and $16 for Guests.  RSVP to Susan Jewell-Klema by calling her at 970-231-8750. 

Brenda Bowen

About the Author: Brenda Bowen

Owner of Peace of Mind Accounting, QuickBooks ProAdvisor with 12+ years of experience helping small businesses with their bookkeeping needs.

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